Friday, July 10, 2009

The Three S ie Suicide = Stupidty + Suffering

I would like o blog about three S ie Suicide, Stupidity & Suffering. Something happen this week but I will not use real name and relation as this would reveals who I am writing about.
More than 6 months back, my sis-in-law was fighting a battle against cancer. I was there when she spoke of how she wanted to live on and do not want to die so soon, but unfortunately she lost the battle and succumb o the cancerous cell and finally passed away late last year. And only this week, someone I know tried to commit suicide, the 1st S - Suicide. No, it is not hearsay, but this person actually did it. I was there to witness the destruction of the whole house. This person tried to kill himself by turning on the gas and hoping to die an easy death but somehow something struck and there was an explosion. Imagine the force of the blast, the door to the kitchen was blown more than 10m away and all the windows panes were shattered, the false ceiling collapsed and thankfully the fire was put out before it could turn into a great flame. The victim did not die and SCDF and the police came and the victim was send to the hospital.

The second S is Stupidity. As I had written, my sister-in-law was longing to live longer and was treasuring the little time that she had before she passed away and this person, just tried to take his own life. Life is so precious and this person is so STUPID to try taking his own life. So money was a problem, but if this person would just learn to live a simple life, then I really see no issue at all, unless he wants a luxurious life which could never happen as he is already above 60 yrs old. Why is a person so stupid trying to take one of the most precious things in life, life itself? To me, it is STUPIDITY trying to evade life issue by taking the so called “simple” way out!!!

Lastly the 3rd S is for Suffering. Due to his own stupidity, now he is suffering from 10 percent burn. This must be causing him a great suffering. Not only is he suffering, he had also caused others to suffer along with him. His related one now had to be in agony too. By trying to commit suicide, others close to him are now also suffering and worst still suffering emotionally. My daughter, a Counselor, said that the victim’s sibling will probably undergo a traumatic period before she can recover from this incident, she will probably need some counseling session to help her overcome the trauma. So you see S = S + S, ie Suicide = Stupidity + Suffering. If ever one of you, my young reader harbors such thoughts, I pray that you think over and over again. Call me if you really need someone to talk over if you are unable to overcome whatever problem you may be facing. Don’t ever harbor such thoughts.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Blessed Life

Time to blog. Was just wondering and doing some reflection on my life. I believed I had been much blessed throughout my life.

If you know me, you will know that I am just a small fly with a small qualification, just a diploma holder from Singapore Poly. Yet through the many years in my working life, my God (pardon me for those who are not Christian) had been so good to me that I had been promoted far beyond many diploma holder and I am now in a position that some of my degree holder (some even are master degree) colleagues may have been envy of. I am not boasting, but as I was reflecting on my many colleagues who had joined ITE as a lecturer and holding just a diploma, none of them had ever progress so far in term of financial rewards. Most had been in “static” mode, ie they have already reach their maximum pay for many years and had no pay increase. Even for those who were promoted earlier than me, many, if not all had been unable to cross a bar for increment and yet I had been much bless with a continual increment. Praise to my God!!!

So what am I trying to tell my readers, or as what one local show always says “What is the moral of the story!!!” hahah, for those who are in Singapore will probably know who was it.
Let me share with you the “moral” of the story. In all my working life, (hahaha… sound so philosophical) I had learnt never ever to backstab anyone. I am not the ambitious type and had never seek for promotion and I make it a point to give others credit as much as I can. Once you learnt not to focus on yourself, then you will be able achieve much as it is written, “It is more blessed to give than to receive”. So I had always abided by this principal, giving others instead of trying to “fight” all the way for your own benefits. If my young readers can adopt this principal then I can assure you that one day, as you reflect back, you will notice how much you have received in return even without you fighting for it.

This, I would like my young readers to really ponder on as most of you will start working very soon. I had never believed that a working place should be a battlefield, even though many other think so. Once you adopt this attitude that a working place is a battlefield then you will surely end up overstress and in the end, you may actually found that you had gained nothing, nothing in your life had been a living example to your next generation, nothing in your life that you can proudly shared with your kids.

So may this “moral” start building within each of us so that you can start your next phase of life in the right steps!!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Life Is Unpredictable!!!

Guess, about time to blog. So many things had happened.
First about myself. Happen 2 week ago when I was trying to shift my 29” CRT TV when it fell on me and I hit my head on the floor that it knock me out, don’t even know for how long as no one was at home. When I awoke, I found myself lying on the floor with the heavy TV pressing on my head. Slowly I inch the TV away to get myself up.

Can you imagine, when I awoke, I don’t know where I was and then don’t even recall whether it was a school holiday or during school term so much so that I had to call my wife to enquire. I had a loss of memory for the whole night and cannot even remember how happen. So scary, but I must thank my God that He had protected me and now I am recovering though I still seems to have some loss of memory.

To all my readers, I could have died without anyone knowing and this goes to show that life is very much unpredictable. So each one of you must treasure your life and treasure those around you. Our life could be extinguished just like that. Don’t ever think that you are young and nothing could happen to you.
Then you know what? The same thing happens to one of the students yesterday. She was sitting on her chair and was leaning backwards when she toppled over hitting her head against the floor and she was totally knocked out!!! It took almost a minute before she awakens. When I was informed, I went to see her and she cannot even stand up for a moment. Thankfully there were no concussion, but she was so dazed and frightened that she cried and was unable to compose herself. See, she is just 18 years old but things just happen beyond our control. Never ever think that your life is in control by you and you can determine what can happen to you. We are not God and we cannot predict the future. So let each of us learn to live life meaningfully and live a live without regrets.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Changing Lives!!!

Received an SMS about a week ago. It goes “ Hi Mr Chu, I got into NYP Business Enterprise IT…” It was a message that brings me much joy. It is such success of my students that gave me great joy.

I am not interested in receiving gifts, not I interested in getting praises from my bosses, not interested in people telling me “flowery words”, if you know what I meant! My ultimate goal as a teacher is to touch lives and hopefully change lives which thankfully had been happening, if not, then I would consider myself a failure as an educator.

This was the same student who had sms me about her demoralize spirit when she thought that after one and the half year of studying in higher NITEC seems to bear no fruits and leads to nowhere . For those who don’t know what I am saying, let me elaborate a little of the education system in Singapore. When you are in the normal Technical stream in secondary school you can only go to ITE for further study, you will not be eligible for JC or Polys. So after 2 years of studying in ITE, if you do very well, you have a good chances of progressing to Poly if not then you may try to apply for another 2 years of study in Higher NITEC in ITE. You again, need to score a certain points to be considered for Poly and this what happen to this girl She did not do very well in NITEC and I had advice her to go Higher NITEC and then try to do better so that she can have a chance to progress to Poly. But after one and the half year, it seems that her grade may not permit her to apply to Poly and I encourage her to continue and not to give up. Thankfully she had persisted and after her completion, she applied for Poly and she was accepted and that is how I came about in receiving this SMS.

I was so happy for her that I seem to be as joyful as her. This should be what makes a teacher life satisfying and glad that he/she is in the education line. IT IS NOT A CAREER, IT IS LIFE CHANGING OPPORTUNITY!!!

If you had read me tag box, you will also notice that one of the “tagger” wrote this : lobert: ok i will. rememeber u telling me never give up easily. try my best :d

That is why an educator words and action will mould the lives of the students they cam in contact with. I pray that my words and action as an educator will always be a blessing and have a positive impact on all my students.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Life Is Short!!!

Quite a while since I blog. Actually was wondering whether to blog what I had in mind and finally decides to share what happen.

A few months back, I had went for an ultrasound scan and to my shock; I was informed by the doctor that they had found 4 lesions (or what we called small lumps). Was told that it could be anything, anything means, it can be cancer. So I was told to go for a CTScan at TanTock Seng Hospital in Feb. Thankfully and thanks to my God (sorry for those who are not Christian, got to bear with me for being “churchy”) it was found to be just cyst and not cancerous.

From this incident, I would like to encourage my readers, especially my young readers, to value life. Our life can “expire” any moment, it is something that none of us are in control. You may think you are very fit, you may think that you are still young but death is no “respecter” of anyone. It comes when you are not prepared. So it is time that all of us learn to live a life of no regrets. Only 2 days back, I got a sms informing me that a former colleague who had left ITE a few years ago had passed away. So you see, it could happen to any of us. Even my youngest daughter shared that one of her classmate just passed away recently. Imagine, only 19 years old and not it is all over.

Come on, my young readers; don’t assume that you may live for very long. Take opportunity to do good and live a life that is meaningful. Do whatever good that you can, don’t go doing things that will destroy your life, such as drinking, smoking etc. Knowing that life is short why do you want to make it shorter by indulging in things that you know will shorten your life?
Life is precious and life is short. So take care everyone

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Take Time....

Saw something very touching while on the way to school this morning. There was elderly man, not very old about 6o plus. He was with his mother who was wheelchaired and was on drip; probably she cannot take solid meal anymore waiting for a cab. Finally the cab came and the way he lifts and carries his mother into the taxi was so touching. You can see how gentle he in moving his mother into the cab. Mine you, he was quite a big size man and for his to slowly and gently place his mother into the cab was a sight. He makes sure that his mother will not be hit by any part of the taxi. It was so touching that the scene keeps replaying in my mind over and over again when I was walking to school.

How many of us can says that this is the way we treat our parent? Even though I am an educator, I am not at all proud at the way I had taken care of my mother who had passed away many years ago. No, I did not ill treat her, but I only visited her at my convenience. This does not bode well as a filial person. I am ashamed of myself when I see how this man treated his mother.

Hopefully, my young readers will learn to appreciate the hard work of their parents. Many of you are enjoying the fruit of the hard labour of your parent. Many had not seen how their parent had toil and sweat so that all of you are having a good time. You may not agree that you are having an easy life. Let me ask my young reader. How may had ever went to school with just 1 set of uniform for a whole year? How many had only enough money for just a cup of drink only for recess for your school life? How many of you ever wear just a pair of school for a whole year? How many of you had gone to a movie school only once for a whole year? I can go on with many many how many. But I guess I will stop here. Take time to honour your parent. Take time to appreciate your elderly.

Do realize that what you are enjoying now is all because of the many sacrifices that your parent had made so that you could enjoy the good life you are now having.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Don't Even Try!!!

Would like to take a few minutes to pen my feelings. Was feeling a little down due to many things that seem to be happening to my dept, though I was not directly involved in it, but somehow can feel that my fellow colleagues are very stressed.

Why? I would rather not speculate here as it may be due to other issues rather than what I thought, but somehow, the “unhappiness” seems to be cascading down to me and I am also feeling it.

Been a long time seem I really had real contact with my students. I remember when the dept was started, I was so closed to my students that they will approach me for chatting, for help, or just looking for a listening ears but now, it looks like lecturer are more concerned with projects, with trying to make an impact to higher authority so that they will be duly rewarded. Where is the basis of being a teacher? Where is that so called passion when they first join the teaching line?

I was commenting to my daughter that we should never allow people to go into teaching, just to try it out. Their “trying” may sometimes kill the interest of the students and would destroy him for life.

I remember that one of the main reasons why I had never ever able to pick up Chinese was because when I was in primary school, my Chinese teacher saw one toy protruding out of my pocket, cannot remember what it was, and snatch it then smack my head with it!!! It left me with a great fear for Chinese teachers and I can never recover from this fail and had never ever passed my Chinese all the way to “O” level.

Can you imagine what damages can a “trying” teacher left behind before he/she quit the teaching line? It may be too late for some of these kids. So, to my readers, unless you really have a passion for teaching, don’t even try going in just to have a taste of teaching life. By not “trying” you may have “saved” some of these kids life.

Friday, January 23, 2009

A Teacher

About time for me to put up a second post. Though the year doesn’t seem to start well for me, got a fine for parking along a double yellow line and another fine for speeding all within one hour, never mind, I will still thank my God for everything.

I would like to share with my readers an incident that show why I am still a teacher. It had been for more than half a year since I stepped into a class as I was busy helping my school to make the big move to a new campus in 2010. Last week, I was told to help out as there was no lecturer available and when I step in, I gave a pep talk to the students graduating soon. I could once again feel the joy of talking to students. Just that 10 or 15 mins of talk gave me such joy as I began to exhort them to out in their best for their final lap of their studies and I could sense that they were absorbing it and were prepared to burst forth in their last race.

It was so joyful and this is the reason why I am a teacher. Just 2 days back, one of my colleagues was given a grade that he/she was not happy with and ‘blew up’. Commented that the students better don’t step on his/her toes and he/she is in a bad mood. To me, this should not be the way a teacher behaves. Students are there for us to “shape”, to guide, and to be a source of encouragement and not for us to vent our anger.

Worst still, today I read in My Paper a comment from a Poly undergrad and this is exactly what she wrote. “My first option would be to continue studying and get a degree. If that doesn’t work out, I don’t mind applying for a teaching job with the Ministry of Education” Huh, I got a shock. Just because you cannot further your study, so just go and teach. Hey, teaching is a passion and must be accompanied with compassion for our students. It is not something like, since I can’t get my choice and recession is here, I just join the teaching force.

Hopefully, our MOE will never employ such people. They will only “rot” the next generation. I hope my readers who intent to be a teacher, will never adopt such an attitude.

So, a very Happy Chinese New Year to all my readers!!!

Friday, January 02, 2009

A New Year, A New Start

2008 had been a year that is best forgotten. Many things had happened in this past year. To the world, it was a financial “tsumani” that we had seen many big companies going bust and many people all over the whole began to lose their jobs and are having difficulties trying to make ends meet.
Not only in material lost but many lives were also lost through the Siquan earthquake. There were stories of how some sacrifice their lives to save others during this great earthquake and there was also story of how selfish man can be, where he did care only for himself and ran for his own life and leave his young students all alone and how they had perished because of his selfish nature.
As for my personal life, things were not too good as compared to the previous year. My uncle passed away in, I think, in Nov and then follow by my sister in law. Things were bad for my uncle family, where again the “beastful” nature of the human being was revealed as the son beat up his sister and his mother over the inheritance. The ugly part of the human being will always be reveal, especially when it comes to money. It is such a sad thing that man always had such a greedy nature.
But one good thing comes forth from the death of my sister in law. The family began to close rank and the family began to show signs of reconciliation and is getting closer to one another as they began to see the fragile life that we living.
But still, I give thanks to my God who had taken good care of me for year 2008 and I am still doing fine, finding favour with all my bosses.
To all my young readers, things may look bleak in the coming months, but be strong and I believe all of you will sail through 2009 and coming out as a stringer person.
To start of the year, may I encourage all my readers to make their life more meaningful. As I had written earlier, the demised on my sister in law was came as a shock as she is still considered young. So do spend the days of your life wisely and meaningfully as we do not know when it will “expire”. Do something that will leave a legacy so that other will remember you for the good that you had done, and that you will have no regrets if you are to move on to the other realm!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Taking A Break

To all my readers, my apologies but need a break as I am a little overwhelmed with my school work due to a new assignment. Will be back in 2009....

Signing off with this quote (can't remember who wrote this)

We evaluate others with a godlike justice, but we want them to evaluate us with a godlike compassion.

Let not evalaute others with such godlike justice as we may one day need others to evalute us with a godlike compassion.

Take care and see you again in 2009!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What A Wonderful Person!!!

Was very touch last week when I came across an article which I would like to share with all my readers.


There was a report of  a young girl who quietly adopted 3 kids through an organization. All the while her parent was scolding her about how she was using her money, They thought that she had spent it all on computer games,  but she had actually used her allowance and her “hong boa”, a Chinese red packet with money  given to kids during our Chinese new year celebration, to support 3 kids in a poor country.


It was so touching, not only in her giving but more importantly, in giving without “blowing your own trumpet”. Giving to charity, I had seen a lot, but very often it was giving with the intention of making oneself known. But with this 16 years old girl, she knows what is called humility which many of us lack.


My wished for all of my readers is that they will learn to show a little more compassion for the unfortunate and through a humble spirit not in a way that we would be trying to tell others what we are doing.


Life is short. What’s the point of trying to gain popularity when one’s heart is not right!!! When your intention is just to help another unfortunate person, even a small amount given will meant  a lot.


So to all my young readers, make use of your life to touch others and you will surely find such joy beyond words


To this young wonderful lady I send you my tribute with this bouquet of flower. 

Friday, September 05, 2008

It's A Sad Sad World!

Hey, before I proceed to blog my thoughts, did any of you did what I suggested; send a sms to your parent to tell them that you appreciate them. Come on, it is not that difficult, right? If you had done so, please drop a note in my tag box, so that at least I know I am not blogging to four walls.

OK, going back to what I wanted to blog. Last Monday was Teacher’s Day. Received a few sms greeting me happy teacher’s day. One particular sms was something like that, “…. even until I die, I will not forget Mr Chu…” How true it is, I’m not too sure. But it always make my day when I received note, mails, sms etc from students remembering me. I do not need to receive gifts from students, although I did receive, but it was their thoughts that counts, that spurs me on as a teacher, especially so in these years where to me, the direction of the school is to score points instead of touching life!!!

Very sad indeed. Was just having a chat with one of my colleague and he was also relating that nowadays, teaching was no longer same as years before. I was telling him of how in the past, my ex-colleagues were all so focus on helping our students to succeed in life, to impart skills so that they will be able to make a living, but unfortunately now teachers are so engrossed in projects so that they can be recognized and be promoted. Where then is their passion for teaching? Where is their desire to touch life, to change life, to make an impact on their students? So sad, that teachers are like that, although I want to believe that not all are like that, but unfortunately to my personal view, a majority of them are.

To all my young readers, as you grow up and enter into the working world, do spare a thought on your life? Even if you are not going to a teaching line, in whatever you will b doing, you can still make an impact. Just try to live a life that shows others that life is not about just trying to stab on others so that you will reach the top, but rather we can be an influence to another person but the way we live!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Be a Role Model

Nowadays many teachers are so different from the days when I first started teaching. Please note that I say many and not ALL.

Just let me share with you what happen recently. No, I will not tell you whether it happens in my department or in another department.

It started with one teacher from other department complaining about a dirty classroom. Shockingly, one of the teacher asks this teacher to send a complaint to the manager!!! How can a teacher reacts like that? You are trying to play office politics and trying to get your fellow colleagues into problem. No I don’t condone teachers who does not do their parts in keeping the classroom clean, but surely there is no need to instigated other department teacher to complaint to your manager about your own friends, or do I interpret it as these colleagues of your are “hindrances” your promotion”? Very sad, as I expect teachers to have great integrity and be a role model to their students. But if they exhibits such characters, then I can only expect them to inculcate wrong values to their students. They will be telling their students that it is OK to “stab” your friends just so that you can reach the top!

Office politics in the commercial world is like that, and there is no control over such behaviour, but in school? This should never happen as teachers must have high moral values. If not, then I fear for the future of our next generation. Already I had seen how the next generation had begun to “degrade” through their bahaviours and through their lifestyles. Even in today newspaper, I read of how the son of the former President of Taiwan says that it was his mother who told him to do the wrongdoing. I am not sure who is in the wrong, but seriously, I doubt that his mother will ask him to do it as she was an invalid, and why would she wants to launder the money that she will eventually be not able to enjoy much? Even in Singapore, I had often seen how youngster treats their parents. Respect is something that my generation had always practice, but in this generation, our youngster seems to have no respect for the elders. They take it that it is their rights to shout, to scream, to demand etc from their parents. Please lah!!! My young people, if not for the hardship of your parents, do you think that you can have what you are having now?

So to all my young readers, maybe it is time for you to drop an sms to your parents, just to tell them that you appreciate all that they had done. Is it too much of me to ask of all my young readers to do it? Smsing your friends is a norm, but why not just drop an sms to your parent and tell them you are thankful for them. Come, surely you can do it and why not do it NOW!!! Spread the words to your friend and ask them also to send a simple sms to their parents to show their appreciation!!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Youth With Attitude Problem!!!

Finally I am back!!! Hopefully, I will be able to blog more often.

I would like to blog about youth with attitude problem? At times, I just really don’t understand our youngster. Let me share with you a true incident that happens recently.

There was a boy caught for stealing and was we were ask to provide some information for the judge to pass his sentence. We tried to help the boy by giving him a good report as much as we can. When we were writing the report, he put on a good “show” trying to get us to write something good about him. So we gave him the benefit of doubt and submitted a “generous” report for him.

So finally he was sentenced and was placed in the boys’ home. He was there for one week without home leave and finally, the school accepted him so that he could continue to study. As such, he was given leave to come to school and then to return to the boy’s home after that.

But it looks like he never learnt!!! First, he tried to con me by saying that he needs to go home to help his brother to sort out some handphone problem. The way he asked was as though he had every right to go. So, I say that I will call his probation officer and inform them about it, and he immediately says that he does not want to go off anymore.

A few days later, I heard that he was caught stealing in the boys’ home and was punished by not being allowed to leave the home. This boy then tells a lie to his probation office and says that he had an exam, but there was no exam. He conned one of my colleagues to inform the probation officer that there was an exam. I simply give up on him.

So many chances were given to him but still he never learns. No that I am a hard hearted person, but I believed that he need to be put in prison, then will he learn. To me, at least if he is imprisoned now, it will hopefully change his life instead of him getting worst and eventually may cause him his life.

To me, when a person says that he had a changed of heart, then it must be reflected through his action!!! Not simply just plain words. It is so easy to say something but doing otherwise. To all my young readers, when you are given a chance, please do not abuse this chance given. I had seen too many young people abusing the chances given to them and they end up in a whole mess!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

A Sad Day For Humanity

What happens in China is a very sad disaster. Thousands of people died and worst still, many school children perish while they are in the school.

Let us we observed a minute of silence in respect to those who had perished in this earthquake. To these people, I attached a white chrysanthemum as a symbol o my grief.

But out of this incident, I read some incredible report. There was a report of how a teacher sheltered the student with his/her own body and this teacher perished but that student survived. To this teacher, I salute him/her for the unselfish sacrifice. This is a lesson of what humanity is all about.

To my readers, it is not about gaining fame, it is not about social status, it is not about being a millionaire, and it is not about recognition, IT IS ABOUT HUMAN LOVE. A love for your fellow human being, a willingness to sacrifice for another, a heart of being compassionate, going beyond what is required of us.

Too often, we think only about ourselves. When danger arises, it is about my own survival. Sometimes it is so sad to see us “fighting”against one another.

I had seen too many of such incidents. Even in a school environment, I had seen one “camp” trying to tear down another “camp”, always passing bad comments about the other “camp” etc. It is so sad. At times, I wonder, how can they call themselves teachers? To teachers reading this blog, it is time to be an example and a role model to our youngster. Not just outwardly but genuinely be a real role model, especially in term of our characters.

Can we be like that teacher who willing sacrifice for his/her students? It is always easy to say than to actually doing it. Teachers, take time to reflect on our own calling, as teaching is not about a job, but rather about influencing lives that are easily influence.

With this, I would end my blogging.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Thanks for the Encouragement!!!

So many things happen this week. Will not elaborate too much, but it had done some harm to our department. Hopefully, it is all over and we can move on.

But thankfully, when I read the post on my tag board, it brings much joy. When student like Danial says the following comments, it really brightens my day.

21 Apr 08, 15:23
Danial: the poly teacher explanation is worst then ITE students. i still prefer ITE lecturers ^.^ like Vincent , YOU mR CHU, NG, MR ONG , RAJIS!

21 Apr 08, 15:18
Danial: don't even know how to create simple webpage using HTML hehe

It is not so much that he prefer lecturer like us, but rather that he was able to create webpage, when the others does not even know how to, when they should have learnt in their studies. It shows that our students had learnt. Their time spent in ITE Balestier was never wasted.

I had taken the liberty to copy the tag comments to my fellow colleagues so that they can be encourage and that the time spent in teaching the “NT” students are never wasted. This is what makes teaching so satisfying, it is when our students had learnt and are able to move on to “higher plains”.

I was just chatting with a group of students this afternoon from the Jan Intake, trying to show them that they could progress on to Poly if only they were willing to learn as I believe my fellow colleagues will never shortchange them in their teaching. Hopefully, what I had shred will take roots in their heart and that it will spur them to do well, while they are with us.

To all my young readers, never give up hope, if you are willing to learn, then I believe that your teachers, be it a secondary sch, a JC, an ITE or whatever, will definitely try to help you progress as far as you are willing!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A True Story!!!

Was actually wondering whether I should blog what happened yesterday. Finally, decides to blog the incident. Hopefully, it will be taken in the correct spirit that we could learn from the incident.

Yesterday, I called al parent who had left message for us to call her back. It was saddening to hear what she had requested. So this is what transpired.

The mother was requesting that we help her to “handle” her son. Her son was playing computer games every night and at times, goes without any sleep. She says that she is afraid that her son health may be harmed. Then she continues to add that her son had no respect for her and at times raised his voice at her. She also claimed that he despised her for not being rich. It goes on and on… and something she added later raise an “alarm” bell I me. She ask me to ask her son to work part time so that he could give her some money, instead of she having to always provide for her son.

The only thing I promised her is that I will have a talk with her son and see what is the outcome and if I failed then I will refer her son to the school counselor.

2 things strike me in this incident. First, if what she says is true, then this son ought to be smack!!! No matter what, no child should show any disrespect to their parent. Although, at times, kids temper cannot be control, but it should never be a common incident. Even if you do not come from a rich family, there is no shame at all being poor. As long as you have the basic need met, then all the extras are what I called “bonus”. Do learn to be contented with what you have. Try not comparing with your friends, classmates etc as it will only make you more miserable. Too many of today youngster is living way beyond their means.

The second issue is the call of the mother for us to ask her son to work so that he will provide her with some money. To me, this sound terrible and unacceptable. How could a mother ask the son to work so that she could get some money from him and while the son is still in school? As a parent myself, I would like my kids to concentrate fully on their studies. The parent is both working and I see no reason why they need their son to be working so that she could get some money. From her conversation, their family is in no need of money, even though they are not rich. But sad to says, this mother was more keen on her son making money instead of seeing her son progress in his studies.

Coming to conclusion, the son is too influence by his peers that he sees the need to be on par with his friends. To all my young readers, please do not fall into the same trap. Learn to be contended with what you have and who you are and you will not be so miserable. Secondly, if you ever be a parent, do not be so materialistic. Do not seek “benefits” from your children. Children are meant to be a source of joy, not a source of your “need”. So with this I will end my blog.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Are You A Positive Influence?

A few days ago, was getting “sentimental”. Was asking myself, ever since I started teaching, can I recall any “string” impression of students being affect by me.

One incident strikes me very clearly as it seems to have embedded in my mind, even though it happen more that 20 years ago. I remember that I had started my teaching, probably only a year or two, that there was this Malay boy who seems to be unable to cope with his studies. I had never given up on him and took my time to explain slowly over and over again to him about the subjects. Thereafter, he manages to pull through and this was what he said to me, “I will never forget you as mine teacher. When I am successful in life, I will always remember that it was you who had helped me in times of difficulties”, not the exact words but very close to what he said. Ok, I don’t think he will remember me in years to come, but at least, I knew he was sincere in his appreciation for having me as a teacher.

No, I am not trying to boast, but would like to share that as we live, we should try to have a positive impact on those around me. Only a few days ago, one of my colleagues came to see me about setting a web site where we can put questions and the students could do some revision. It was after seeing my site where I had question put up for my students that spurs him to come up with another solution as I told him that I had to pull out all my site as it might infringe some copyright laws. I was so glad to see that my desire to help my student is rubbing into him. So it is important that we leave a positive effect to those around us.

Unfortunately, too often life is not like that. I had another colleague, who always seems to be complaining, complaining about this, complaining about that. At times, I just simply try not to join this colleague for meals. I had seem how another colleague of mine seems to develop the same negative attitude. Hopefully, it is not deeply implanted.

That is why, for you, mine readers, learn to project a positive attitude and it will do marvels to all those around you. There are things that beyond our control, things like why this person got the promotion, why this person getting lesser work to do etc. Life is never fair. To those who are about to join the working life, I can tell you strongly, LIFE WILL NEVER BE FAIR!!! It is Ok, as long as we learn to be contended, then we will not be so sulky and unhappy. So when we are more joyful, this will affects those around you. So, REJOICE!!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Results Or Values???

The recent arcticles about the principal who “persuade” some of her NT students to go to ITE instead of allowing them a chance to try taking their “O” level again. She may says that she is trying to get them to be realisitic, but I think otherwise, hopefully I am wrong.

First of all, if one of them was her own daughter, she will definitely encourage her own daughter to try for the “O” level and if they happen not to make it, then they can go to ITE. This is my sincere believe, that we should always give everyone a chance, if they qualify. To me, probably the principal is more concern that should they failed, it might not gives the school a 100% pass rate. That is the problem with our school system. We are too preoccupied with result, ranking, etc rather than to bring the best out of our students.

I had been teaching for over 25 years, and yet I try very hard not too be too concern with just academic results. Not that I am trying to boast, but I try to always get my students to involve in activities that will bring some joy to the underpriviledged. To me this can shape the character of our students. Instead of just striving to beat everyone academically, our youngster must also realize that there many that need the assistance of those better off. We must learn to show a little more concern for others rather than to just think only for ourselves.

With this recent uproar, it is a good opportunity for my young readers to learn to appreciate life, instead of just becoming to engross in ourselves over results. Learn to look around you, gives when you need to give instead of always thinking of taking from others or trying to score points by using others

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A New Beginning!!!

Yesterday, I was going to HQ with some of my colleagues and one of them commented that I had a “lucky” life. A “lucky” life? No I don’t believe in luck but rather I think I had been much blessed throughout my life.

Life did not start on a bed of roses for me. I came from a very large and poor family. During festive seasons such as Chinese New Year, I would always envy those with lots of new clothing, lots of makan etc. For me, it would be probably only the new piece of cloth that I will have for the whole year.

So, do I begrudge others? No, never. I learn to accept that life was like that, some may be born rich, some may be born poor, some may have plentiful and some may have nothing. I thank my God that through Him, I had learnt to be contented with whatever I have. That is the reason why I had never been an ambitious person. To me as long as I have a clear conscience, never seek to harm others, never stabbed others behind the back, and then I am quite satisfied with my life.

Unfortunately, the world is not like that. My daughter was just telling me how frightening the world looks like as she began to grow older and see how people react. My reply was simple. Just stand by your principles in all that you do, then let others do what they want. If we could influence them, then it will be so much better.

To all my readers, as we start a new year, do pause in your busy life and ask yourselves, “Had I added to mess up world from my actions, speech and characters?” If you had, then make a conscious effort to change and it will do both your body and soul much good.

So to a new year, let there be a new beginning!!!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Looking To A Great Year in 2008!!!

It had been a loooooong time since I blog. The year of 2007 had come and gone. As I had send sms to some of my friends, In would also like to dedicate the greetings to all my readers.

An old year gone by
A new year coming soon
To a year of disappointment,
We say Goodbye
To a year of success
We say Welcome
Wishing you a great year ahead

Indeed as we paused to think of the past year, we may have many hurts, many disappointment, many fears etc. Just to share one bit of my personal life, just one bit!!!

I remember that on a particular period when I had to face a meeting, great fear was overwhelming me. This management staff was one knows to “whack” those who are in the meeting. Unfortunately I was “assigned” to go for this meeting and there were lots of information that I did not have as I was not provided with. I remembered very clearly that particular Sunday when I went for my church service, I was so much in fright (hey, even an old man can have fright, you know!!!) but thankfully on that day one song which had never been sang before was sang that morning. For those who are not Christian, the song was Amazing Grace and the lyrics go…

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.

It was that stencil of how the grace of God had relieved me of my fear, and at that moment, I could sense my fear dissipates. And thankfully, during that meeting, I was not one of those that were “slaughtered”, a little exaggerated but really nothing happens to me that day which was a surprise.

With this, I would like to end my blogging today and thank my God for being so real to me when I was in dire and to all my readers, Wishinging You a great year in2008!!!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Live A Life Of No Regret

Would like to put up a short note on the recent
Cambodia tragedy. Before you read further, can you please join me in a minute of silence, in memory to the 5 young wonderful men who had lost their life?

Life is short, so let us treasure this life that we have. All of us will never know what will happen next, so if you can, express your love to your love ones, says a word of gratitude to those who had done us good, thank those around you, while we are still alive.

A short poem to these young men.

Life come and goes,
Never can we know when we will go.
For your dream, you had pursued,
With a commitment that dearly cost you,
But without regret, I believe
To all of you, I salute
May your soul be forever blessed

Hopefully, this poem will all spurred all my young reader to live a life of no regret.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Salute Such Teachers!!!

Ya, it’s time to update my blog. Can see lots of cobwebs all over. Anyway would like to share with my readers something that I saw last week that touches my heart.

Last week we had a handover ceremony for a software done for Rainbow Center. If you do not know what this center do, let me give you a short description. This center caters for kids that are a “little” different from normal kids. Some of the kids are autistics; some are with Down syndrome, some with muscular problem. Anyway, it was their graduation ceremony and we too the opportunity to do the handover. This graduation ceremony was one that I had never seemed before. It was so different from any graduation ceremony that I had attended. You can take a look at the photos. The kids were running all over, and teachers were trying to restrain them.

When it was time for some of them to go on stage to perform, teachers were also on stage to assist. Each teacher were looking after a few kids, you could see that the kids were all going a little haywire in their performance. No, I am not trying to laugh at them!!!

What touches me, were the teachers. I could see that they were really one with lots of compassion and patience. Unless you have such characteristic, you can never be a teacher in such school. To these teachers, I take my hat off and salute them. I doubt I will have such compassion and patience to handle such kids. The teachers were really such wonderful teachers, and though at times they are firm with their students, but yet you can see that their love were so evident. How I wish our teachers have such a passion for teaching our students. Too often, I had seen too much of office politics, even in school, that nowadays, teachers are no longer what they used to be. Let’s hope that things will change for the better!!!

Friday, November 02, 2007

Beware Of Repercussion!!!

My colleague sent me a link about ang mo who bullied an elderly man. Go ahead have a look.

When I first view the video, it tugged at my heart strongly. Not so much on the bullying but rather to see such an old man who was toiling to make a living. Can you see how he strained himself? It was so heart wrenching to see such an old man to be toiling in his twilight of his life. Where is our respect for the elderly? Where is our filial piety? Are all these now just a dying “attitude”? What is happening to our humanity?

Firstly, will we come to a stage where we leave the elderly to fend for themselves while we who had been brought up by them, choose to enjoy our own life without a pang of guilty conscience when we see our parents etc working like that? Let me tell you that I believe in repercussion. For all the evil that we did, we will one day reap the outcome of it. For abandoning the elderly, you may one day be abandon by your own kids!!! Please spare a thought for your elders

Secondly, will the younger generation come to such a deplorable state that we enjoy taunting the elderly, showing no respect at all? So what if you had tones of money? So what if you are filthy rich? So what if you are so influential? To me, you deserve to go to HELL for adopting such an attitude!!! For those who enjoy bullying the elderly, I hope that one day, all your wealth, all your health will be removed from you!!! Sound evil, but I can’t help it when ever I see such incidents. Pardon me

That is the reason why I am so against the policy of having the elderly working to an old age. Hey, give them time to enjoy some life after toiling for so many years, laboring to bring up the family. That’s all for today

Monday, October 29, 2007

I Will Be There!!!

Saturday newspaper features quite a few articles of ITE students. As I was reading about those articles, it strikes a cord within me. No, I am not boasting about what I had done, but I just want to let all my readers, whether present, past or future students, if you really need help, do drop me a note and I will see what I can do for you.

Helping students to succeed is part and parcel of a teacher job. I still remember very clearly how a young mother was help all the way through her studies in ITE. I had ensure that whatever assistance was available, I will push all the way through so that she can get that extra allowances. I had also help her with some financial assistance from my own pocket, and if I have to do it again, I will!!! At the end after she graduate she sms me and I still keep her sms and this is exactly what her sms was “ Cher, thx 4 supporting me s a student n showing me d route of becoming a better person. Appreciate it.. thx” Such message touches my heart, which counts more that any award ITE gives.

Another case was about this student whose family was living with the uncle who is the bread winner. Unfortunately his uncle was arrested for an offence and the whole family was wrecked. He wanted to stop studying and together with another colleague, we encourage him to continue and suggested that he may want to consider signing on with the navy so that they can pay him an allowance while he was studying, He did apply and was accepted, but it was during this transition time that he desperately needed some cash to help the family to pull through. I know that I was not the only one who gave him some money, there was another 2 staff that did so and we did not pressure him to return us the money. But he was matured enough to pay us when the navy pays him a lump sum for the training he undergone in ITE for the last one year. Now he had also graduated.

I can go on and on with more stories, but I will stop here. What is my purpose of sharing such stories?No, I am not trying to boast. I am trying to tell all my young readers, if ever you fall in situation where you find it hard to continue your studies, drop me a note and I will sit through with you and see what can be done. Never mind if you do not know me very well, I will still try to help you through. Even to those who had left ITE and are pursuing studies at other institution, you can still look for me if ever you need help!!! I will not turn you down. Only not too long ago, one of the student who is studying in Poly, call me almost at mid night and was desperately needing some help and I was glad that I could offer him some suggestion and thankfully the problem was solved even before he need to do what I suggested.

A teachers’ job is not only to mould those who are still with them in school. If we could be an influence to the young people in their future lives to be a better person, then we will!!!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Don't Be Too Gullible!!!

A week had gone by since school started. It had actually started on the wrong “manner”, but will not elaborate as I do not want to hurt that teacher feeling. But I can tell you that it was a great disappointment on the way the class was conducted.

Back to what I would like to blog. This world is made of all sorts of people. There are some that we seem unable to understand why they react in a certain way. Just as reported in the newpaper about a tuition teacher who claimed that a young girl was offering herself for money so that she can buy some branded goods. On the same day, her parent made a police report, he also make a report later on the same day. Not only this, he also called her school vice principal that some of her classmates were seem passing some white “substances” and called the school claiming that he is from HSA. Later, it was found that he is not from HSA and now he denies saying that he said that. I tend to believe the vice-principal. Why should the vice principal make up such a claim? To me, more likely it was his way in taking “vengeance” against this girl who had made a police report. Worst still, it was reported that he is a counselor who is helping wayward students!!!

I can tell you that indeed there are many such wolves in sheep skins. I had seemed too many who claimed that they are trying to help such innocent youngsters, but there is always a motive behind such “help”.

So to all my young readers, you must not always be too gullible to accept and trust those that whom profess to want to help you. Do make a subtle check on such people. Too often our youngster are so easily swayed by sweets words, some “kind” gestures etc and they easily fall for such tricks.

No I am not saying that all who offered to help such wayward youngster are wolves!!! But I would just like to caution, especially all the young ladies out there, to be a little cautious when accepting help especially from a stranger, worst still from a “stranger man”.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Unselfish Spirit!!!

Wow, this must be my longest absent from blogging. Somehow, just too lazy to write. So anyway, here I am, wondering what should I write.

Anyway was having a chat with my youngest daughter and commented that nowadays, youngster is too much into themselves. Surprisingly, she agreed wholehearted with me. So what was the problem? She shared that it had very much to do with our education system. When she was in school, she remarked that too often her former school classmates would be very unwilling to share their notes as they wants to top the class. Nothing wrong with wanting to top a class, but if you were to go to this extend, a selfish nature, then what is the use of topping the class? The school system had seemed to mould our youngster into thinking of themselves and not wanting to be a source of blessing or a source of help to the others.

I hope that if any teachers are reading this blog, do highlight this very bad “nature”. Try encouraging them to be a selfless person, to develop an attitude to help others. In my days, there were no such things as my notes only, we shared with one another what we have, though there may be one or two who are unwilling, but I can tell you that this is only a very very small minority.

I don’t know, but I really hope to see more youngsters showing a little more compassionate spirit, rather than they are too much “into themselves”. To all my young readers, do make a conscious effort to start showing an unselfish spirit. Do not think that I may be the only one doing it, so it will not make any difference. NO!!!! As the Chinese saying goes, the whole mile journey begins with the first step. So if you start making a conscious effort to change, the effect will soon snowballed to a movement that may eventually change the world we are living in. Your first effort may touch another youngster and thereby, it will soon have a great effect on the whole human being. SO START BEING THE FIRST PERSON TO SHOW AN UNSELFISH SPIRIT!!!

Monday, September 03, 2007

Was So Glad!!!

Receive a call from one of my previous student who sends me greetings for the Teacher’s Day. Then be begun to share with me of how he was coping with his studies in the Poly. I was very pleased when I hear from him. No, not because he remembers me for Teacher’s Day, but because of what he did in Poly. So what was it that he did that caused me to be so pleased?

Here, he relate how because he was an ex-ITE students in Info-comms and with the knowledge he acquired in ITE, he was one of the better one who knows the subject, as compared with those who just came from “O” level. The best thing was that when he was asked by his lecturer to help the other, he did not refrain from helping them.

This was something that I had always been hoping to see in my students. A desire to be a blessing to other, never a selfish type, one who is willing to share what he or she has. To me, I would have considered that I had done justice to my calling as a teacher. No, I do not hope for gifts from students during such occasion such as Teacher’s Day, as long as I know that each and everyone is turning out to be good citizens, I would be very glad!!!

I would deemed myself as a failure, if my students had grown up to be selfish person or one who only cares for himself. All that I had done as a teacher, whether it is through my actions, my speech or even as in this blog, I just hope that it will have an impact on my students and that they will be changed to be a better person, a compassionate human being, always prepared to help others instead of just thinking of themselves!!!

With this note, I will end my blog and hopes that all who read will make a conscious effort to be a source of blessing to others

Monday, August 27, 2007

Take Every Opportunity!!!

Last week, went to the hospital to visit one of my students who graduated more than 10 years ago. Unfortunately, though she was only 37, she was stricken down with stroke. Thankfully she is recovering well, though abit slow in her speech.

As I was talking with her, she relates how she had not taken the opportunity to further her studies and even after so many years she is just a draftswoman. There were numerous occasion when she was asked to join her classmates to further her studies but she declined due to some reasons. I could sense a pinch of regret from her tone. Now she is working in one of the MNC and her classmate is an architect there but she is just a draftswoman.

It dawn to me that for all my young readers, if you ever had a chance to further your studies, please do so. Do not missed out any opportunities that you could have if you are ever given a chance to further your studies, That is why I was so glad, if you had read my past post, when I heard of one student looking for ways to further his studies while he is still in National Service. This student was one who never believes in studying. The student was one who always will tell you that money can be earned easily without a qualification. Now I am so glad that he had seen the “light” and realize that to survive in Singapore, you will somehow need some qualification.

Yes, take every opportunity to move ahead. Do not missed the boat. Just like this young lady, it may be too late to progress any further especially so when she is now down with stroke.

The other issue is that please take good care of your health. I had noticed that nowadays, too many of our youngster is indulge in unwholesome habits, such as drinking. You will never believe that I had once seem a photo of my ex-students who was so drunk that he looks so horrible in that photo!!! Smoking and drinking will definitely harm your health. You may not know, but one day, you will soon face the consequences of what you had sowed!!! So take care everyone!!!

Monday, August 06, 2007

A Second Chance!!!

Terrible!!! Terrible!!! Terrible!!! Are we really seeing the end of a real education system? To the puzzled, let me tell you what happened last week. Will not mention names.

Last week, I met one of the student parents. Their child was in some problem and was not able to come to school for a period. Don’t ask me what problem, if I tell you what the problem, then the all those involved will be easily identified. And as I say, I will not seek to identify them so as not to jeopardize their career. Back to the story. So a solution was suggested. The father seeks a second chance for his kid to continue studying with us.
But I got a shock, when the management came back to the class advisor saying that unless we can guarantee that this kid can complete the full studies with us, then we should attrite ( a better word for sacked) this kid. When I heard this, I was fully taken aback!!! Huh? How can an educational institution reacts in such manner. Don’t they know what is compassion? Don’t they know what is giving a person a second chance, even if there only a slim hope? Do they believe in “once a thief, always a thief”?

How can? I was boiling inside when I heard this. I told the class advisor to write to the management, that we ought to give this kid a second chance. I just don’t understand how could Singapore School system comes to this stage? You may says that I am a little too generalize as this happens only for this case. No, I had seen how the management are so keen in what they called KPI ie Key performance Indicators, adopted from the west. To me, how can a school adopt this? Can anyone says that I can achieve 100% pass for my students? Bullshit!!! Every child is made differently. Some will learn fast and some will learn slowly. Some are academically inclined and do well and yet some will fail. This is especially true for a technical institution where the lowest 20% of each cohort comes to us. Are we really miracle maker that we can transformed this lowest cohort of students to be ALL so successful and will all pass? Sad to says, I find our management too engrossed in scoring points, that we fails to see the basic of an education center. Just like the kid I mentioned above, even if this kid will finally drop out and leave the school, at least if we had provided this kid with a second chance, our conscience is cleared and I can proudly lift my head and says that I had done our best. Hopefully, my young readers will catch this spirit of a true education, that should they be teachers in days to come, they will never, never write off any students and be always prepare to give them a second chance

Thursday, July 26, 2007

A Little Kindness

It had been almost a month that I had updated my blog. Feeling very lethargic and seems to have run out of energy to press on. Not sure why but somehow within me, seems “lost in space”. Hopefully this feeling will soon go away. One of the main reasons affecting my mood is the recent hostage case in Taliban.

Just for info, incase you have not been reading the newspaper; a group of 23 humanitarian Koreans went to Taliban to help those affect by the war. Their cause was a noble cause. How many of us are really willing to go to a foreign country to help those in need without a thought of our own safety and comfort? Too many of us are enjoying our comfort zone; this is especially true for Singaporean!!!

But instead of appreciating these Koreans who had given up of their own comfort zone, they were instead held hostage by these rebels. And worst still, today paper reported that one of them was already executed with more than 10 bullets shot through him. I really cannot accept this fact!!! How can a human being be so cruel and unappreciative of what others are trying to do for them? These Koreans were here to help, not to be politically involved and for their kindness they were repaid with evil. I pray that whoever is reading this blog will spend a moment to whisper a prayer for these Koreans.

So back to we, in Singapore. No I am not asking my readers to volunteer themselves for such humanitarian cause, though it will be good if you do, but I would like to remind all who are reading, to learn to show kindness to those who had shown kindness to us. Better still if you could show kindness to those who had not even shown any kindness to us. As you learn to sow kindness, you will cultivate in you a loving spirit that will glow within you and will definitely be shown outwardly without you knowing it.

Remember, a little kindness will sure do good to our human race, if only everyone of us show a little kindness!!!

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Never Give Up!!!

I was very encouraged when one of my ex-student called me a few days ago. Here was a student who had been “challenging” me that he does not need a certificate to survive in Singapore. During his days in ITE, he would often come up to me to have a chat and keep telling me that he could make a sum of money without having to study so hard. No matter how much I tried to encourage him to do better in his study so that he could progress further, it always falls into a deaf ear. No, do not be mistaken. To other teacher, he may seem like a “Ah Beng”, but I always believe that deep within him, he is a nice person, but he just does not want to show it as it may “tarnish” his “cool Image”

Anyway, he called me late one night and he began to seek my advice of whether he should go to a night class while he is still in the police or should he starts schooling again after he finish serving his national service. He was so keen to catch back all those “lost” time during his 2 years of studies in my institute. He was even prepared to study as many nights as possible so that when he finished serving his national service, he could leap frog into the 2nd year and move forward to the Poly.

I tell you, I was so moved by his desire to progress in his studies. I was very glad that the “seed” that I had sowed in his heart had begun to bear fruit. I had always told all my students that they need to do well as this maybe their only chance to go for further studies. This is especially true for those with GCE “NT” certificate. After their GCE, the only place they can go to is ITE and no where else. If they were to put in extra effort, then they may have a hope of going straight to the Poly. I had seen many of my ex-student going to the Poly and had even shared their “feeling” of a great future ahead of them!!! To this student, I say “Keep Pressing On, Keep Seeking Ways To Further Your Studies, Never Give UP!!!”

Unfortunately, this is true in our country. We need a certificate to survive as shown by this student who is trying hard to make up for his lost time. That is why in this journal, I had tried to send words that encourages, that will change life, that will make some impact to my young readers. It may not show now, but I never give up hope that one day, what I had written will began to bear fruits in the lives of all my readers!!! So do keep coming back and read what I will write.

To all my young readers, feel my heartbeat and do something with your life so that it will be a blessings to others instead of always sulking away, saying that others do not understand you

Sunday, July 01, 2007

The Heart Of A Human, GREED!!!

The heart of man is something that is very difficult to understand. It happens again and again. What I am referring to is that the greed of a human can never be under estimated. First it was the Kidney Foundation where millions of dollars were siphon to other purposes instead of helping those in needs. Then it happen to St John Home for the Elderly, where the supervisor of the home gone missing with almost all of its reserves.

I really cannot understand human being. These oganisations were founded with the purpose of helping the needy. And yet, the very people entrusted to run it ended with greed in their heart and instead of helping these needy, they end up on the wrong side of these organization noble purposes.

To all my young reader, as you grow older and began to see the value of money, do not be too engrossed with it. As the saying goes, “Money is the root of all evil”. No, money itself is required for our daily living, but if all our focus is on making more money, with no compassion in our heart, then you may end up being a servant to money and will eventually be so caught up in making more and more money until you will be filled with greed as happen to these 2 man.

That is why it is so important that we learn to be compassionate as when we have a heart of compassion then will we be able to free from the greed of money. As you start making money when you work, may I suggest that you give a little to the society, and as you learn to give, you will definitely feel the joy of seeing others being helped from your generosity. The world will be a better to place to live if all of us start to be more generous in offering ourselves instead of always looking to what we can gain from the others.


Friday, June 22, 2007

A Life Of Vengence???

Sometimes, student never failed to shock me with their behaviour and attitude. Let me relate a recent incident. There was this student who was given exemption for certain module due to some reason, so this student had been enjoying the free days as this student does not have to turn up for classes during those period. YA, when enjoying those free days and hours, no complaint!!! So when the result came out, this student was rejected by the few Polys as this student GPA score was way below the minimum requirement.

Here goes the interesting part. First, this student claims that if he/she had taken the module that was exempted, this student will be able to do very well, to score an “A”. Hello, what make you think you will score an “A”. In fact the results reflected in the transcript shows a few “C”s. So, this student together with the parents came to see us. We were even threatened that they will write all the way to MOE to complaint about this issue. Out of a good heart, we told the parent that we will seek the help of our friends from the Poly to see whether he can be admitted. We NEVER promise that he/she will get a place. There was a mini “outroar” over this issue. Finally in frustration, I worked out this student GPA score, showing that even if this student was to be awarded and “A” for the exempted module, he/she will still be far short of the min entry requirement to Poly. After seeing that, they “toned” down a little and ask us to try our best to get a place in Poly for this student. We actually did our very best. One of my colleagues even drove this student down personally to one of the Poly, trying to make an appointment for this student to talk directly with the admission dept from Poly. Unfortunately, this student was not accepted.

A few days earlier, we were shocked to hear that they was a letter written to MOE and we were asked to answer the complaint!!! My goodness, after all that we had done, and even showing that if this student was to get an “A”, there was no way this student can get into Poly. This is the “gratitude” shown to us for going the extra mile. Just because this student cannot get into Poly, this student seems to be taking “revenge” by shootings letters all over!!! Is this what will comes out of the next generation? I hope that this is just a special case and does not reflect the attitude of the future generation.

It will be a sad day for the human races if we human were to reacts in such a way. If we do not get what we want, then, I will make sure life will be miserable for all others!!! If our youngster have such an attitude, then we will be what the Chinese says “You are a BEAST!!!” Yes, we will then degenerate to no more better than a BEAST!!!

So to all who reads, please do not build within you, a life of vengeance. Do learn to appreciate what others had done for you; learn to live a life of gratitude.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

To A Better Future!!!

I had a discussion with my elder daughter these few days. As she was attached to the SAGE (for those who don’t know, it stands for Singapore Action Group of Elders), she had began to realize how bad the situation for the lowly income people.

She relate to me how an elderly man called the SAGE and was asking whether there are any free wheel chair for him as he had just been discharged from the hospital. My daughter try calling all over, the many non profit organizations, but none offer any free wheel chair, either he had to buy one or rent one. Imagine, he already had problem with surviving and where will he find the means to buy one!!! When my daughter relates the incident to me, I tried looking for a cheap one and was prepared to buy one for him, but then it seems that the case was closed and no further action was needed. No, I am not trying to say that I am so rich or so charitable, but it pulls in my heart to see that no organizations, homes charity etc can offer a free wheel chairs? AS my daughter had pointed out correctly, in the coming years, there will be more aged citizen in Singapore. I can safely say that not all these aged citizen are well to do and in fact there will be a big chunk who will find difficulties in getting such help. I can foresee many elderly who will “waste” their life always in agony and in sorrow as there are many who are “single aged”. So how?

This is something that will depend a lot on the young generation. If the younger generation does not have a compassionate heart then I see a gloomy future for this aged citizen. To all my young reader, I hope and pray that your eye will be “opened” to the need of these people. I do come across a few of the youngster with a golden heart, but these are just only a handful. Unless our youngster start developing a caring heart when they are young, then it may be too late. A CARING PERSON DOES NOT APPEAR OVERNIGHT!!! Characters need to be developed, need to be shaped, need to be moulded!!! It takes time and it takes a conscious effort to be a more compassionate person.

It things does not change, then it will become a vicious circle. Today youngster will become tomorrow aged citizen, and if today youngster does not have a compassionate heart, then they will never be able to impart such values to their next generation.

With this, I will end my blog here; hopefully it will spark some fire in some of my young readers.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Learn From Your Past!!!

Almost half a year had gone by. So how is our life going on? Like my daughter says “JC life is tough!!!” So say I the same thing. Life is always tough. When young, we think of how we can grow up faster so that we can be more self reliance and have our own money and do what we like. But when you start working like me, after sometime, you wished you were a student with no worry of making a living and living a comfortable lifestyle.

Let me tell you, life is never ever going to be what we want it to be, a life with no worry, a life with no regrets, a life with no heartaches, a life with no rejection etc. Life will always be a challenge to all of us, as long as we are a living person. The main issue is that, do we learn from all these experiences and move on to be a better person. Sad to says, many of us do not reflect back on what happen but keep doing the wrong things over and over again. It is easier said than done, but if only we learn from our past experience and makes a change for the better, and then we will always be in a “slump”

Let me share with you a true happening only this week. If you had recalled a very early entry of how a student kept a school asset claiming that she had returned it and then when a reward was announced, she miraculous found it. This same student now seems to be facing another main problem from another school she is attending now. The head is asking us for some details. She NEVER LEARNS!!! To be frank, she had in fact commit an offence earlier before the lost item and I and another staff had personally help her as she was crying so badly when caught. Hoping that she will learn, but instead she still takes us for a ride and claim the reward for the “lost” item. So it began to “pile” up and she had develop a character that is found wanting!!! Now she is in deep shit!!!

So, to all my young reader, do learn from your mistake and try not to repeat the same mistake, hoping that you will get away with it. Sorry, I believe strong in this verse. “You will reap what you sowed!!!” Indeed, what you had done and being refused to make a change, sooner or later, your wrong doing will catch up with you and you will have to pay for it.

So take time to reflect and let us all learn from our mistakes and from our past!!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

What Went Wrong In Our School System?

Is our school system really developing the desired students that society is looking for? Before I answer, I must make it clear that I am not in any political party trying to denounce our government, No, our government had done well and I am one of those that had benefited from its policy. From poverty, I am now Ok, not rich, though, can survive without much of a problem.

Back to what I want to write. Somehow, I feel that our education system is moving on the wrong track. You read of how a JC student who whacks a bus driver and the father had to beg for forgiveness on his behalf. Will not relate the story. But the issue is, that from one of the top school in Singapore, out comes such behavior. Surely, we expect better characters from such top school. So where went wrong? No, I don’t blame the boy too much, although he must also be responsible for what he did. I sincerely believe that it is what is happening in the school system that is causes such problem. It is what we in the education call KPI, or Key Performance Indicator. We are so consumed with such performance indicator, such as percentage of passing rate, percentage of drop out, etc that at times, our full concentration is on meeting these targets that we fail to groom our students to a person of good moral value.

If only we will return to old days of educating our youngster, where we do not have to worry of punishing our students, where we do not have to keep ensuring that they will score very well in exam only, then things will look much better.

When I first started teaching, if a student is really not behaving, we will definitely discipline them without fear of having their parents complaining. Nowadays, I see too many teachers who worry too much of having parents complaining about them, that they will tends to give too much leeway to our youngster. That is why; our students are getting bolder and react without much restraint!!! I can tell you that I missed the old days of a teaching life. I now tend to be losing my passion for teaching as we become more and more incline to meet all those key performance indicators!!! Hopefully things will be better and changes will take place in the education sector, if not I dread the out come of our future youngster

Friday, May 11, 2007

Cheers!!! A Salute To This Youngster!!!

It is time for me to write something less gloomy. If I keep “harping” on our youngster, one day they will throw a chair at me. So must write something different. To “save” my own skin lah!!! Hahaha

Anyway, back to what I want to write. Was very glad to read an article recently about a young undergrad (youngster again!!! Arghh!!!). No, this is different. It was reported that she had been doing volunteering work since at a young age and when given a choice for her university studies, she choose to major in Social Work as she wanted to continue her passion in helping others. It was so refreshing to me when I read the write out about her. This is a true story of someone who wants to help others without any string attached, without seeking some fame or glory. And to better prepared herself to help others; she had chosen to major in something that will be of great help to her, in assisting and helping others.

It touches my heart to see someone some passionate in social work. Let me tell you, social work is not an easy career. If you are going to take social work as a career then probably, you will fall along the way, giving up your work. Not only is it a demanding job, but sometimes it is very heart wrenching. I know as I had personally experience this in one of the survey that I had conducted for the CDC.

I was assigned to do a simple survey at Bukit Merah one room flat. And as I was going from house to house, the sight that “welcomes” me was very painful. I see a room that was filled with junks as the old lady was hoping that she could sell some of them for a little money. Another house was smelt with urine. The stench was so overwhelming when the old lady opens the door. She had no one to help her cleaned her house as she was frail and old. At another home, the lady simply refuses to let me go as she had no one to talk to. Then another family was almost “begging” me to help them to get assistance for their utilities bills as they fear that it will be cut off soon due to non payment for almost 6 months. I can go on and on sharing with all of you what I saw that night, but I will stop here. (hey supposed to write something happy, but how did I side track)

Anyway, for this young lady, who had so much compassion for the underprivileged, I salute her. I do wish that all my young reader as they grow up, they will spare some thoughts for these people. Many of our youngsters probably had not seen any poor people, really poor, as they are very often shelter by their families. But let me tell you, such people do exist even in our affluent society, even in this well develop country!!!

So, le us cheer for this young lady and hopefully for the many others we do not come across!!!


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

What Is Happening To Our Youngster?

It was very disturbing when I read last Sunday New Paper. Shocking, disbelief, saddening, chill running down my spine, etc I can go on and on about how I feel. As I was telling my daughter, I am not out to “degrade” our youngster, but somehow, reports from the newspaper are “confirming” how I feel about our youth. Maybe as I had always says, I somehow can read people, so I guess I am probably right in my views of the youngsters.

For those who did not read the article. Briefly this is what was reported. Headline … “She deserves it…” The story was about the death of a young girl who was drowned in the canal, while playing with her friends. There was this girl who was either the deceased classmates or school mates. When she knew that this girl was drowned, she wrote in her blog that the deceased deserved to die!!!. My goodness, this comes from a girl of only 14 years old. How revengeful she must be. No matter what others did to us, we should never be cursing the other person to be dead!!! Her heart must be made of STONE!!! I can’t imagine how she will eventually grow up to be. One who is always out for revenge? One who delights in the misfortunes of the others? One who is always unforgiving? One who gloat over others misery? If at this young age, she is like that, then I can expect her to grow up worst, unless she makes a change in her life.

This is not the only article about how terrible our youth are. The following day, it was reported that a group of about 50 other students whack her for what she wrote in her blog. My goodness, now, a group of our so called, future generation, are acting like hooligans!!! The girl may be wrong, but what give this group of student the right to “execute” judgment that they think is correct? Is our future youngster going to grow up to be like that? I really worry very much for our future generations. I hope all my young readers who are reading this blog will make a conscious effort to change for the better before the future turns bleak for them. Do something today!!! Do something that is compassionate!!! Show a little kindness. Have a little more patience with others.

I guess that’s all I have to blog for today.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Do Not LIve To Regret!!!

Yesterday my eldest daughter went to a wake of his friends’ late mother. The mother was involved in a terrible accident and died on the spot. My daughter told me that her former classmate was so heart broken. It causes me ponder that too often our youngster tends to regret too late. Not that I am always trying to pick on our youngster, but unfortunately, I am a little pessimistic about our youth this day. I read too often in my student’s blog about how they are very much unhappy with their parents. At times, they even used harsh words about their parents. It is only when their parents are not around then they start lamenting. You would notice that in many of my blogging, I am trying to steer our youngster to a path that they will learn to be good person, not just academically but more important, morally!!! But as a parent, what is the use of lamenting for them when they are no longer around? Youngster should learn to show their parents due respect and appreciation. But instead of these, I had too often heard of them raising their voices to their parents, slamming the doors at the parent when they are not happy.

Let me tell you, in my days, if we ever do such things, you can expect a good spanking from our parents. No questions asked, a good spanking then they let you know why? Answer? Very simple!!! No matter what, you have to show respect to the elders!!! So I would encourage all my young readers to show love and appreciate to their parents while they are still around.

The other thing is that the deceased was only about early 50s. Life is very uncertain. Any thing can happen without even us realizing it. So, may I encourage all my young reader to value their lives while they are still living. Do things that you will not destroy your life. That which is of good value, do not refrain from doing them. As many of you have been blessed with a comfortable life, do not forget those that are less privilege. As each and every one of you venture into a working life soon, do spare a thought for the many elderly who might be struggling to life a simple life. It is heart breaking to see old ladies collecting empty drinks cans at the hawker center, just so that they could have a simple meal. Please do not be too materialistic and too individualist, caring only for yourself. I guess that all I have to blog for today, hopefully, it will not depress you after reading but rather make you change your whole lifestyle, a lifestyle that will bless others.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Think Before You Spent!!!

It happens again. No, I don’t purposely look out for youngster doing wrong things and harp on them, taking every opportunity to “shoot” them down. Well this is what happens yesterday. I was taking the MRT at Clementi and was looking out of the glass door. Then at a later station, a school girl came in and she was on her handphone. You know what was she saying. No, I don’t eavesdrop, but she was talking a little loud so I heard her phrase. This is what she says. “Hey, call me leh. talk to me leh” She was trying all the time to get have a chat with some one. Is there nothing better to do than to try asking people chat with her? Even if hers is a free incoming call what about the other party? Do they not value the hard earned money their parents had to pay for such nonsensical usage?

This situation was even more glaring when later, I saw my niece. Hey, my niece is a reporter from Today and she writes very good reports. Her name is Jasmine Yin, so the next time you pick up the Today, lookout for her articles. Anyway, she recently reported on the public assistance, the issue about how the poor received only $270 a month, to pay for their daily meals, utilities, rents, medical cots etc. Imagine living on $270 a month and to pay for all these basic essentials!!! She related to me, how she was interviewing an old elderly lady who was having her lunch and she had a fish that she would only eat a little and the other portion will be kept for dinner and for another day. “It was so heartbreaking” she said.

Too many of our young people had never lived in such condition before. They never appreciate what they had. Just as I had mentioned earlier, this school girl, probably, only 14 years old, spend her time calling for others to just chat with her, even though she had nothing to chat. It was simply out of boredom and she just MUST CHAT with someone. It is ok, if you do it once in a while. But they way she keep calling, it shows that she had been doing this very often and it sounded like desperation!!! IT SEEMS AS THOUGH SHE WILL DIE IF NO ONE CHAT WITH HER!!! No, she does not look like she need help, she was cheerfully calling one after another, just trying her luck to have someone to chat with.

Hello, my young reader, do value the money that you are having now. You will probably feel it when you start working. Making a living is never easy. The poor old lady who eat her fish portion by portion shows how valuable it was. So do think about this old lady before you start splurging on something so expensive just for its brand.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Prove Me Wrong!!!

I am going to blog about something that I think will create an uproar from my young reader. So before you proceed to read further, please be tolerant and let us learn to accept different views as this is a real world and each of us may see things in a different perspective.

So this is what happens. I was at Suntec and did not drive there. As it was raining cats and dogs, so I decided to take the free shuttle bus from Suntec. As I board the bus, there were not many seats left as it was raining. At the back, there was a row of seats, about 6 seats in a row. And here was a young man, seated in the middle of the row with his legs wide open, thus blocking the way for others to take the inside seat. Not only that, he pretended to be asleep, with his eyes closed and even if you are standing in front of him, he pretend not to see anything, but keep his “golden” eyes shut!!! As though someone is going to gorge out his eye balls, so must protect them with his eyes tightly shut.

I felt so disturbed with this young man attitude. Is this how our youngster is being brought up? He was a decent looking man, not those Ah Beng type. Yet, his behaviour speaks worst than a Ah Beng!!! With more that 10 years of education and yet this is the outcome! Maybe, my young reader will jump up in protest of me singling out the youngster. No, I agreed that there are many older people who are like that, but many of such older generation do not have the privilege of going through more than 10 years of education. So I tend to give them a little leeway in their behaviour. But our youngster? How can they behave like that? I can’t imagine what values they are going to impart to their children. I mean, you will have the courtesy to at least give some space for others to take the inner seat or if you ARE REALLY THAT TIRED, which I doubt so, as when his phone rings, immediately it was answered, then move your ASS and take the inner seat!!!

To me, youngster now adays are too much into themselves. All they care about is as long as their needs are met, then, to hell with the rest of the world!!! I may sound too harsh, but this is what I had been seeing so often with the way our youngster had behaves. Sure, my daughters will always say that I am always stereotyping the youth, but unless the majority shows otherwise, I doubt I am very wrong. I had seen too often how our youth behaves and it really disturbs me, they don’t give me the assurance that things will be better when they take over in the near future. Hey, prove me wrong, and I will be very glad and happy!!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Persevere, Persevere, Persevere!!!

Last week received a sms from one of my student who had just completed her studies in Mar this year. Would like to share with you all this sms, and it goes “Cher, thx 4 supporting me as a student n showing me the route of becoming a better person. Appreciate it.. Thx”

It touches my heart to read this sms and would like to share with all of you about this student (hey, I am trying to boast but to encourage all to persevere). You may have read about her in my very earlier post, but for the benefits of all who had not read, here it goes.

She is just only about 18 years and already a mother of one and when she was in ITE during her 1st year, she was expecting her second baby and she is a single mother. Life was hard for her as her then husband was in jail and she was trying to cope with the help of her aged mother. When the school fees were for the second semester, she had no money to pay and she was very keen to continue her studies. So I help her to apply for a bursary but she need to make payment earlier, but she approach me to her to pays 1st and says that she will pay me when she gets the bursary. It was Ok with me , so I paid her school fees for her 1st. When she got her bursary, unfortunately she needs the money as the baby was already born. So she told me that she will pay me in installment when she starts working part time. I told her that I could write off the money but she insisted that as she had promised to pay me back, she will. Finally she had repaid me what she loan. Now she is hoping that her result will be good enough to get a place in poly. To her, I wished her all the best.

To all my young readers. I doubt many of you will face a situation like her. A single mother with 2 kids, an aged mother to look after, need to study full time, still need to work after school to make a living and yet able to survive through two years and will be graduating soon!!! I she can survive in such a harsh condition, I see no reason why the rest of you cannot.

If ever you need help, you can rest assured that I will be there for my students, juts as long as you are genuinely in need, whether financially, mentally or emotionally, I will offer you a listening ear, just don’t give up!!!

Not many of us are born with a silver spoon, i.e. born into a rich family, so we have not worries at all. Many of us are born into a family that will need us to work hard to survive. Unfortunately, in Singapore, no one can survive, if you just laze around and hope for things to happen. This is so especially true for my students. Out of the many students graduated in Dec, I heard of many who sighed and was discourage as they cannot progress on to Poly. If you had not put in some hard work during your 2 years of studies in ITE, then how can you expect to progress further in your studies? So, BUCK UP AND STUDY!!!
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